Monthly Archives: June 2015

International Yoga Day Celebration in Pictures

Beat the Heat this Summer with these Tips

Hydrate Yourself – Drink as much water as you can Aam Panna – It Helps in cooling our bodies Coconut Water – It is not only good for your skin & hair, but it is refreshing, filling and hydrating Frequent … Continue reading

The New Yoga Life

Best Prayanayam for fantastic life Inhale the future without any expectation. Hold the present and Exhale the past without regret

Want to Stay Young? Then include this Amazing Fruit in your Lifestyle.

6 Reason to have a bowl of papaya everyday Promotes Digestion – Papain, an enzyme in the fruit promotes digestion. It high water content and fibre aid digestion as well. Protects the Heart – An excellent source of fiber, Vitamins … Continue reading

Yes! A Sip of Soda can make you Fat…

After 20 Minutes – Of drinking soda, there is a spike in your blood sugar. Then, the liver responds to this insulin burst and converts massive amounts of sugar into fat. After 40 Minutes – When BP rises due to … Continue reading